



Since 2022, Ferretti Firm supports Dynamo Camp ( www.dynamocamp.org ), the first Recreational Therapy Camp in Italy specifically structured to host children and young people with serious and chronic pathologies and their families.

In House Support - Ferretti Firm



Value, improve, and protect. These are the cornerstones of our Vip formula, specifically designed and targeted to help businesses, entrepreneurs, in-house counsel and attorneys to exploit the most from their daily operations and activities.

VIP formula is a set of legal techniques and tactics that are highly valuable and unique in their implementation, stemming from our day-by-day practice on the global market and across several legal systems.

Stop being afraid of foreign laws and exploit the opportunities they offer. Domestic laws often prove to be inadequate and ineffective in the global market. Further, international business requires a tailored approach that is normally clouded by personal misconceptions. Contact us to know how VIP formula works and boost your business with our support.

Every business facing the challenges of globalization needs a team of advisors who can offer strategic solutions and legal tools because more competitive, especially when operating in a market presenting unfamiliar rules or principles.

We can provide you with the solutions and tools required to professionally deal with, and efficiently, overcome the issues arising out of your international business relations.

S2mart Advisory is the on-demand services that accomplishes those goals in a blink of an eye. Our experience on the global market and foreign jurisdictions, in fact, allows us to provide you with an immediate response to the most recurrent issues affecting your operation worldwide and to enable you to accelerate the path of business growth. Contact us to find out more.



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Ferretti Firm