



Since 2022, Ferretti Firm supports Dynamo Camp ( www.dynamocamp.org ), the first Recreational Therapy Camp in Italy specifically structured to host children and young people with serious and chronic pathologies and their families.

Privacy Policy - Ferretti Firm

Privacy Policy

The information set forth herein describes the policy applied by Ferretti Firm pursuant to European Regulation EU 2016/679 (“GDPR”) and to the national and international laws on personal data protection applicable from time to time ("Privacy Laws"), in connection with the processing of your personal data on the website www.ferrettifirm.com (the "Website"). This policy does not apply to pages or websites that may be managed by third parties and accessed through links; therefore, you are invited to pay attention in such respect and read carefully the conditions of use and privacy policies published on external websites.

1. Data Controller and Data Processors

As your personal data may be processed following access to this Website, you are hereby informed, in accordance with GDPR and the Privacy Laws, that the controller of those data shall be Ferretti Firm, with main office located at Via B. Cairoli, 46 – 51016 Montecatini Terme (PT), Italy and satellite office located at Piazza IV Novembre 4, 20124 Milan, represented by the Managing Attorney, Avv. Daniele Ferretti, Esq. (the “Data Controller”).

Pursuant to GDPR and the Privacy Laws, data relating to the web services provided on this Website shall be processed at the offices of the Data Controller by the person in charge of the processing, or by technicians outside the Data Controller's organization duly appointed in writing as responsible for the processing. The updated list of the processors and system administrators is retained at the main office of the Data Controller.

2. Data Processed

(a) Web Surfing

This Website may collect your personal data through internet communication protocols while operating. Those data are acquired for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on your use of this Website (including to ascertain responsibility in the event of any illegal operation) and to improve the structure thereof.
Those data may include, among others, IP addresses or domain names of computers used by users accessing the Website, URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers) or data processed by using cookies, along with details of the requests sent to the Website's server, which make navigation possible (e.g. the time at which the request is submitted, the size of the file obtained in response, the method used to submit the request to the server, the numerical code indicating the state of the reply given by the server, and other parameters relating to your IT environment).

(b) Electronic Communication

Any communication sent to the addressed specified on the Website results in the subsequent acquisition of your email address and other personal data contained therein.

3. Purposes and Legal Bases of Data Processing

Your personal data are processed for the following purposes and legal bases:

4. Data Processing Methods

In accordance with the provisions of GDPR and the Privacy Laws, specific measures are applied to prevent unauthorized access to your data, their loss or their improper or unlawful use. Your data shall be processed using automated means and shall be stored only for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected.
Your personal data may be processed either in paper format or in electronic format for as long as is strictly necessary to achieve the objectives for which such data have been collected. Please report to the email address contactus@ferrettifirm.com any change in your personal data to keep them updated, detailed and complete.

No data acquired on this Website will be disseminated or assigned to third parties without your express consent, unless disclosure is required by law, pursuant to a decision of a competent authority or to follow up your requests.

5. Rights of the Data Processing Subject

The Data Controller informs you that you, as data subject, where the limitations provided by law are not applicable, has the right to:

For all cases mentioned above and in case you have exercised your rights, the Data Controller will inform – if necessary - third parties to whom your personal data were disclosed, except for specific cases (e.g.: where impossible or involve a manifestly disproportionate use of resources compared to the right protected by the law).

6. Modalities to Exercise your Rights

You can at any time exercise your rights:

This policy may be updated periodically.

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Ferretti Firm